Leadership in the Age of AI

March 19, 2025: With the introduction of AI into the workplace, leadership needs to address the changes that it brings into the workplace. No matter your role in the organization – middle manager to executive – leaders must be forward-thinking, ready to anticipate the next challenge that AI will deliver to impact their industry. They must also be well-versed on how to lead today’s workforce in order to improve productivity and organizational efficiency.

The most prudent business leader will know that ongoing executive education programs are crucial to long-term success. Business leaders also recognize the importance of training their new or future leaders, too.

This is why the Professional and Executive Education (PEER) at Rutgers School of Business Camden is proud to offer programs like the Certificate in Leadership to help up-and-coming supervisors and managers develop the necessary leadership skills to effectively manage others and run departments and divisions in today’s workplace. The ideal candidate will be someone who is new in this position or someone on the career trajectory to lead in the very near future.

What Are the Benefits of Signing Up for the Certificate in Leadership?

  • It’s self-paced. Given the time constraints and responsibilities you have both on the job and at home, we designed the program, so it can be completed on your time. You can begin the coursework as early as a day after you sign up. This negates the timing issues that often affect professionals who are enrolled in coursework.
  • It can be completed online. You don’t have to travel to the classroom at a specific time to complete the certificate. You can complete it from home. As an added bonus, if three or more people from the same organization take the course at the same time, you can get a special discounted rate.
  • The curriculum includes topics such as: leadership frameworks, managing responsibilities, decision making tools, communications and collaboration, teams and high performance, conflict management and negotiations, motivating and coaching, managing change, and managing your outward presence.

Are you someone who has been in a leadership position for years and want to reexamine your techniques and skills to address your current personnel and industry? Are you a rising professional who is on the way to senior level management and want to acquire the education and skills necessary to succeed on the next level? Then  make an investment in yourself and sign up for an executive education course at the Rutgers University School of Business in Camden.

Contact us to learn how we can support you in your leadership journey.