Speaker at business workshop and presentation. Audience at the conference room.


We are a few short weeks away from the end of summer, which means most people will return to their normal lives. For children and teenagers, this means going back to school. Although they’ll never admit it, many students do enjoy returning to their studies after a long respite. A few of them might even smile on the first day of school.


Did you know that this “Back to School” mentality does carry over into adulthood? The summer months are often more flexible than other times of year. Many take time off to spend time with friends and family and see new places. By the time summer is over, most people are ready to enhance their training to upgrade their job skills and meet their professional goals.


Customized Corporate Training Programs from Rutgers University


Corporations that have not maxed out their fiscal year budgets for training can take advantage of special training programs from Rutgers School of Business in Camden, NJ. One of the biggest advantages of choosing a Rutgers corporate training program is its flexibility. Rutgers can work with organizations to plan and execute training sessions of a half-day to several days or more on any area they choose.  Recent custom corporate training programs have included the following topics:



All Rutgers corporate training programs feature a collaborative design effort between the Rutgers Executive Education team and the client. We understand that nobody knows a client’s business better than the client. We will research industry best practices, related successful academic programs, and new learning tools and methods to come up with a plan that meets a client’s needs and input. This collaborative effort ensures that the client receives the exact corporate training program to enhance team skills and further its business goals.  We offer a variety of program delivery too, including traditional classroom delivery, online classroom delivery, blended delivery, and much more.


The early fall months are the perfect time to take advantage of the “Back to School” mentality and make a real investment in team training. Time is of the essence though. By the time November hits, employees may become distracted by Thanksgiving and the rest of the holiday season.


Contact us today to learn more about the various corporate training options that we may be able to provide.  You can also call us at (856) 225-6685 to speak to us directly about your organization’s training needs.