Six Steps to Training for Workforce Grant-Eligible Applicants
IMPORTANT NOTE: We are fully up and running, but working remotely in compliance with State of NJ guidelines for COVID-19 safety. So, please call or email us if normally you would be required to visit us to exchange documents.

- Contact your local NJ One Stop Career Center as soon as possible to determine your eligibility and to begin the process to apply for a Workforce Grant. Although these programs do not qualify for the NJ Tuition Waiver, they are eligible for WDP, WIOA, ARRA, TRA, DVR and similar funding (note: a few programs are not eligible for “WIOA” grants – see the individual listings on the NJ Training Opportunities website).
- Please contact us at with your questions to get more detailed information about the program(s) that interest you.
- Once you have been instructed to prepare for a one-on-one meeting with your One-Stop employment counselor, please complete the One-Stop Registration Form.
- When your training grant has been approved by your One-Stop employment counselor, we will send a Letter of Acceptance.
- Upon receipt of your Letter of Acceptance, your One-Stop employment counselor will provide us with a contract for your training. Once we receive the contract, the registration process begins.
Coming to see us in person? You may be required to come in person to our office by your One-Stop or may prefer to exchange paperwork in person. We welcome meeting you. PLEASE NOTE: make sure to contact our office before coming to make sure that someone qualified to sign off on paperwork or discuss programs with you, will be available. Call: (856) 225-2787 (or (856) 225-6685) or email us at
One-Stop Career Centers
New Jersey’s One-Stop Career Centers are staffed with qualified professionals to assist you in assessing your skills, obtaining employment, and offering training programs. For more information on your eligibility for training grant funding from NJ Employment and Training, please contact your local One-Stop Career Center.
As a service, we are providing this link for those seeking job opportunities: