Non-Profits are perpetually faced with a seemingly competing list of choices on how best to realize the strategy that they have crafted to serve their constituents. Choices on how best to focus resources and prioritize these demands can be overwhelming.
We recognize how difficult this can be and have developed a streamlined process to help senior leadership teams prioritize their work and identify the appropriate resources to achieve the organization’s long-term plan. This process provides an operating model that facilitates cross-enterprise work that lays out a roadmap to transform strategic priorities into real work plans that are focused and actionable. This results in a sustainable operating model that supports leadership’s ability to evaluate and respond to opportunities and challenges in an agile manner, thus providing maximum value delivered to the organization’s clients.
To find out how Rutgers can support your organization facilitate strategy to action, call Peter McAliney at 856-225-6315, via email at execed@camden.rutgers.edu, or by completing our potential partner inquiry form.