Leadership and Employee Engagement

Leadership and Employee Engagement

Big 5 Personality Profile
We will use this tool to gain insights into ourselves and, in turn, what makes our colleagues tick. The Big Five personality theory is an easily understandable framework for understanding and appreciating the different ways we think and behave in our work environment. This can lead to better communication, better inter-employee relationships and better team and organizational performance. We will frequently use the insights gained in this exercise to leverage our learning in future modules.

Managing Different Generations
Currently, there can be up to an unprecedented five generations in the workplace. The generational differences associated with this phenomenon can affect many facets of the work environment. Some of the areas this impact include recruiting, team building, dealing with change, motivating employee performance, managing expectations and rewards, and maintaining and increasing productivity. Knowing the nuances across generations can have a powerful impact on how productive – and harmonious – your work environment can be.

Leadership Throughout the Organization
Demands placed on organizations from an increasingly fast-paced environment require flatter and more agile organizational structures. A more distributed operating environment requires leaders to not only engage employees in their organization, but also those in their multiple partner organizations. In this workshop, we will share the skills required for a new generation of leaders need to build a resilient set of skills along a leadership continuum.

Identifying and Applying Your Leadership Style to Enhance Team Performance
Every leader – like every human – is unique. So, too, with their leadership style.  That said, there are many different ways to be a good leader. While the leadership field has identified specific leadership archetypes, leaders often incorporate different types of management styles at different times. This module will review 10 common management styles.  Reflecting on these styles will help you refine your individual leadership style, be more reflective on how you are leading your team, and as a result take your management skills to the next level and enhance your team’s performance.

Integrating Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
Diversity and inclusion (D&I) is best approached with a top-down, bottom-up strategy; it is important also to recognize the role of employee involvement. Engaging employees at all levels is the most effective way to create a culture of D&I. Often employees are eager to join in the process but lack the know-how and confidence to take action.  This module will review some of the key tenets of diversity and inclusion and will identify ways to facilitate of D&I from the bottom-up.

Conflict Management
Conflict in the workplace – both internally with colleagues and externally with customers, partners, and others we rely upon in our business – is inevitable. Knowing the elements that contribute to conflict will help individuals at all levels in the organization better navigate the tricky waters of conflict. This seminar will discuss the different manifestations that can be associated with the outcomes of conflict, the Conflict Grid, the Conflict Wave, and introduce tools to manage and resolve conflict in a manner that will best support the overall goals of the organization.

Brains, Beliefs, and Motivation
Our brains are very complex and can drive both conscious and unconscious behaviors. Having a more basic understanding of how the brain works – think, “Brains 101” – can support success in the workplace. Knowing the differences between male and female brains (and now the added complexity of gender fluidity), the impact it has on our self-limiting beliefs, and the impact it has on motivation can impact the success we have in the workplace.

Leaders Versus Managers
People don’t want to be managed … they want to be led. And, with organizations becoming flatter and flatter, the role of leadership is reaching its way deeper and deeper into the organization – everyone in the organization needs to assume the mantle of leadership. Knowing this distinction and recognizing the many different leadership styles will provide support your ability to be an effective leader. This seminar will cover the A-B-C’s of leadership to provide you the confidence you need to lead from whatever role in the organization you may hold.

Increasing Employee Engagement Throughout Your Organization
Between the current tight labor market and the changing nature of the employer-employee relationship among the two younger generations in the workforce, managers have to spend more time considering the strategies required to retain their employees. It has become a critical component of a manager’s job to keep their team members engaged, motivated, productive and happy. This module will introduce and review strategies for keeping employees engaged in order to ensure good workers are retained and grow, and your team performs its best.

Basic Tools to Support Successful Teamwork
When it comes to influencing other’s opinions, beliefs and ultimately their decisions and actions our instinctive approaches are often wrong.  We will look at ten specific situations for improving our effectiveness in influencing others. A key finding is that “storytelling” is by far the most effective approach to persuade.
Some of what you will learn includes:
• What types of people are the most influential people?
• How effective is a “Google” search in changing your mind?
• Why “storytelling” remains the most effective approach to persuade

Practicing Empathy in the Workplace
Organizations are looking beyond traditional strategies for management development. Many leadership theories suggest the ability to have and display empathy is an important part of leadership. Empathy is an important factor in maintaining relationships, and the ability for a manager to develop a relationship with their team can lead to effective team performance.  This module will explore the nature of empathy and the role it can play in collaborating with others, crossing organizational and cultural boundaries, creating shared direction, achieving organizational alignment, and gaining commitment among your team, which in a diverse work environment, comes with different histories, perspectives, values, and cultures.

Managing Organizational Change: A Refresher
Change is inevitable to improve and stay ahead of competition, both in terms of innovative services and people. As workplace strategies, structures, and systems are adjusted, the organizational culture responds. It is unfortunate, but many organizational (and technical) improvement initiatives fail because insufficient attention is given to organizational change management and active support during the changes. This module reviews the concepts of organizational change management and addresses the component aspects of cost, benefits and impact of duration of such a change project in an enterprise, reviewing the rules that can lead to successful and sustainable change.

 Preparing for an AI-Augmented Workplace
The latest developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning are already bringing sweeping changes to business. Gradually, AI will be entering many facets of business.  This can cause discomfort and apprehension among your team, resulting in possible distraction and loss of productivity.  This module will look at some of the latest developments in AI and how it is impacting both work – and the workforce.  Upon completion of this module, you will be better prepared to understand what the implications are for the work in your area and how to lead the conversations around AI with your team.